Join the Community Lottery

Charity begins at home and what better cause than our own lovely Levenmouth! Let’s support the great organisations that help look after our kids and our elderly, that keep us entertained and that help folk get into work. To find out more click Where Your Money Goes.

Have fun playing!

Hub Café

Escape Room

Together Levenmouth Events

The promoter of this lottery is Susan Oak, Brag Enterprises, Crosshill Business Centre, Main Street, Crosshill, Lochgelly, Fife, KY5 8BJ. This lottery is licensed by Fife Council under the Small Society Lotteries (Registration of non-commercial societies) Regulations 2007 as Brag Enterprises (1009).

Copyright © 2021 Together Levenmouth. All rights reserved
Web Design Fife by Simplicity Marketing

Community Chest Application Form

Please use this form if you would like to receive funding for your organisation. Please be aware that any projects outwith the Levenmouth area, will not be considered.
The funds have been made possible by the Together Levenmouth Community Lottery. The pot is not finite and where we don’t have enough to meet your request, we will let you know and try and give you advice about alternate funding. Do encourage your friends to play the TL Lottery to keep the pot full!
If you are a small local business that would like to try selling your goods or an organisation that wants to fundraise or promote your cause at one of the monthly Levenmouth Artisan Markets, please email with Community Chest Application as the subject header.

Address Of Organisation(Required)
Is your organisation best described as